CAPDM is awarded G-Cloud 13 Framework Agreement

CAPDM was recently awarded a G-Cloud 13 framework agreement. This framework enables UK central government departments and public sector organisations to procure cloud-based computing services, including hosting and software. As a result of the award, universities, colleges, councils and NHS bodies will be able to access CAPDM’s flagship Courseworker® course production environment, and also procure […]

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Institutions & Textbooks

January 2018 – CAPDM Newsletter CAPDM Thinking Institutions & Textbooks Dear Reader, Use of OER textbook now equal to commercial textbook in some US courses Open Education Resources – OERs are a bit hit or miss, but there are now some very mature and valuable resources out there. While UK institutions are cautious about using […]

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Amazon flavoured learning services + The Millennials strike back

December 2017 CAPDM Newsletter CAPDM Thinking Amazon flavoured learning services + The Millennials strike back Dear Reader, Amazon flavoured learning services Just at the end of November this year, Amazon snuck out a bunch of new Web-service technology ‘announcements‘ of potential interest to Education. There were some useful tools like Transcribe, an automatic speech translation […]

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