A new way to work with universities

Last month Noodle, the US fee-for-service online education services partner, announced it wanted to change how it works with Universities.   It feels that universities now want “more than successful online degree programs” and are also looking for help to:   

  • evolve strategic roadmaps based on changing technology, demographic, capacity, and competitive challenges;
  • integrate online and on-campus learning as more and more students choose a blend of the two;
  • address lifelong learning and employers more forcefully;
  • streamline support services, where costs have exploded over the past two decades; and
  • add internal capacity as more and more students are neither on-campus nor working during business hours.

When I distil this selection of perceived new university needs, I get:

  1. improve and increase in-house capacity and capability for developing online learning assets and programmes;
  2. cut the costs of course development, support and ongoing reuse and maintenance;
  3. improve flexibility in the development of new online and on-campus products to better suit students and their employers.

If I was going to undertake this for my university, I’d look to single-source publish all our own course materials in-house.   It lets us put the money and effort invested into creating a domain of reusable course assets which the university can own, cherish and exploit for the long-term. It gives our in-house teams a pragmatic course production and maintenance solution to use and evolve. That’s pretty strategic.

Now, let’s see, what’s a single-source course publishing solution for universities that has been proven over 25+ years to work in many academic business applications?  Yep you guessed it – Courseworker by CAPDM.

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